A typical casual outfit that I would go to the mall in...

This is the 2nd to the last of my ootd posts shot last October 2015. Talk about backlog....

black, white and pastel purple 

I have gained 10 pounds since.

I think it's from all the laksa and curry. Seriously, I loose all control when I'm surrounded by these kinds of food.

And it finally caught up with me. Quitting smoking didn't help at all either.

I enrolled in a gym but I haven't been in yet since I made my first payment. I'm thinking of "officially starting" after Holy Week. hehe

black, white and pastel purple 
So anyway, about the outfit...nothing special here, just my typical black and white ensemble except this time I decided to add a bit of color with this pastel purple sneaker from People.

I find myself embracing pastels more than I ever have lately. Maybe it's cause I discovered how good and fresh they make an outfit look when paired with neutrals....


black, white and pastel purple

Have you ever tried on a pair by People?

It is THE perfect shoe for traveling I swear! Extremely lightweight, easy to mix and match with all your outfits and most importantly SUPER COMFY.

black, white and pastel purple

I'M CURIOUS: How many pairs of shoes do you take along with you when you travel? ☺

people sneakers | zara top | stradivarious skirt | hm blazer | rayban matte wayfarers | balenciaga bag
