#fashionpunctuation: people x herschel

You know how sometimes you find something really cute but end up not buying it cause you can't imagine how to wear it?

It's happened to me more than once.

And I usually regret it.

Like sometimes I see a nice pair of shoes but can't wrap my mind around how to style it so I skip it. And then fast forward a month, I see one of my favorite fashion bloggers rocking it flawlessly. I fly back to the store only to find out that it's already sold out. How disappointing and frustrating.

That's why I think the recent People X Herschel collab was genius.

people x herschel
The two Vancouver based brands teamed up to bring us "Fashion Punctuation". An exhibit done in collaboration with several local fashion bloggers from opposite genders that sport different personal style aesthetics.

Among them were Seph Cham, Rhea Bue, Michael Macalos, Melissa Gatchalian, Cha Ocampo, and Aj Dee.

Each one showcased their own interpretation of how to incorporate the new styles of Herschel and People into their wardrobe.

people x herschel
That's a pretty smart marketing plan don't you think?? Consumers can look to this group and choose the blogger they most identify with and find inspiration there. Boom, instant #ootd worthy ensmebles without even having to try that hard.

people x herschel

Some of the style categories they covered were feminine, edgy, dapper, laidback, classic and sporty.

people x herschel
Here's Melissa Gatchalian showing us how to do "classic" with here Herschel Backpack and People Sneakers.

people x herschelpeople x herschel

And the always adorable, Rhea Bue with her interpretation of feminine.

people x herschel

Which blogger can you relate with best? Look them up for more style inspo or you can also visit herschelsupply.com and peoplefootwear.com to view their new collection.
