budget mart boracay opening

So picture this...

You're in your new bikini, sucking in your tummy, doing your best interpretation of a swimsuit illustrated model and then...you feel some wetness between your legs...

My god, noooo!

budget mart boracay

Yup, of all the days in the calendar your period chooses to arrive today. Sh#%, what to do?!

Second scenario: You're posing for the ultimate instagrammable vacay photo with your arms raised high in a peace sign, you look down to check if everything is in place before you tell your friend to hit the capture button and then...eeep, may hairrrrrrr!

What to do?!

True story: all this has happened to me in Boracay and then some.

What did I do? Back then, I had no choice but to yolo: Jump in the water, cross fingers, run back quickly to the resort afterwards and pray that my period doesn't gush out along the way. Scenario 2? Easy, no more peace sign posing.

Well now, you don't have to suffer the same way we used to back in the day.

You can have your city essentials while enjoying the best that Boracay has to offer with Budget Mart!

(sounds like an ad? hahaha, no it's not. this is more like a friendly public advisory that should spare you a lot of hassle in the future)

budget mart boracay
Much like Colgate, Xerox, and Kodak, the first Budget Mart at Station 2 has been enjoying the same level of notoriety among locals and regulars of the island.

It's not just a grocery store but one of the most popular meet-up points and yes sometimes, even a hang-out spot!

budget mart boracay
Which is probably why they felt that it was time to expand! This new one in station 3 is larger and it's even got a mini mall attached to it! {because hey, sometimes you just gotta get your Louis Vuitton/Prada fix!} Hahaha, only half kidding...there really is a boutique selling 2nd hand luxury goods (and snacks) from Japan here. :P

budget mart boracay

Budget Mart is owned by 2 dynamic entrepreneurs: Juan Elizalde and Sandy Javier who realized Boracay's need for a reliable one-stop shop that tourists can rely on for their necessities and whims.

budget mart boracay
I also need to mention this and extend my deepest gratitude to them for being such gracious hosts and for making sure all our needs were met.
I think hospitable people make the best grocery shop owners because they know what you need even before you realize it!

budget mart boracay
And that is probably another reason why Budget Mart has been so successful. They're so complete! Even more so than some supermarkets in Manila.

They have everything! So if you wanna pack light and skip the toiletries and snacks, go for it and just get them here.

budget mart boracay

Sunblock for the face/body, for kids/adults, tanning oil, hair styling products, hair remover (hallelujia!), TAMPONS (haha) and man, many more.

budget mart boracay
budget mart boracaybudget mart boracay

Seeing this shelf of chips brought back fond memories of me and my friends lugging our own Tostitos Salsa and Chips all the way from Manila to Boracay just so we could have something yummy to much on during the wee hours of the morning! (Can relate?!)

budget mart boracaybudget mart boracay budget mart boracay

Now we're so spoiled for choice!

Here are some of my favorite "Manila Essentials" (because special gallstone diet and arte lang) that they have here: BREWING COFFEE, Muesli, Melona popsicles for hot days, good quality APPLE JUICE and KOREAN instant noodles (the spicier the better, yum!)

budget mart boracaybudget mart boracay budget mart boracay

See? While waiting for the opening I couldn't help but shop.

(#Socialmediaisreal) Shopping came first and then I realized it would make a good photo so the pic came next :P What you don't see is what else I bought...hahaha (a bag of kettle chips and CBTL iced coffee because I got hungry in between breakfast and lunch)

Dare I say that I love spending time in groceries more than I do at ZARA? (haha, true story.)

budget mart boracay
But wait, I haven't tackled my favorite part of the store yet!!!

Aside form Tostitos, another thing we used to carry all the way from city was.....(drumroll) a bottle of Absolut Vodka, Black and Tequila! Hahaha

Looking back, I realize how much of a hassle it was so this really is a huge relief!

A WELL-STOCKED LIQUOR SECTION that carries all our favorites! (Grey Goose, nuff said)

budget mart boracay

But more than that, here's what really got me skipping around the aisles....

B-B-B-Beer! Ice-cold! More brands than you could hope for!

budget mart boracay
Once I saw Stella, that was it.

And that was what I went back for every night! :P Okay, sometimes, I also threw in a few bottle of Corona.


Piece of advice, make sure to pop in before you get too happy because they close at 11:30am.

budget mart boracay

And that ends my supermarket adventures in Boracay! Will upload videos next! :P

Follow Budget Mart on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/budgetmart.boracay for updates, or visit them on their website at www.budgetmart.com.ph.

Here's a compilation of my vacay snaps! Enjoy!


I've heard a lot about Shopee lately. I should check this out, especially that I always get rid of items every end of the year. :)
I've heard about Shopee but have never visited it yet. Will do so one of these days. Thank you for sharing! :)
Nheng said…
I'm seeing a lot of post about this app, maybe I should download it na to sell stuff for the upcoming holiday!
May De Jesus-Palacpac said…
I haven't done an all out online shopping just yet. I just purchase a few books and some kitchen stuff. Will look into Shopee
Lady Anne Louise ☺♥ said…
Looks your really having a great time in Boracay. Great tips on the first part :)
Ma.Me.Mi.Mommy said…
Signed up already. Will try seeling there as well. :)
May De Jesus-Palacpac said…
I love budget stores. There are so many fun stuff to nibble on, hehe.
Grace Sarakbi said…
i'm glad there are now more stores to make life more convenient in Boracay. will be there next month and will surely check this out :)
Madz said…
Very useful info thanks!
I tried the old shopee many times na. Excited to try their new version!
Will drop by at Budget Mart on our next Boracay visit. Daming choices!
Too awesome Tita!!! Where's snaps of Day 2? I super miss!!!
animetric said…
Wow, they're pretty well-stocked!
Amethystine said…
How convenient! You don't need to pack everything when going there :)
macdimayuga said…
Thanks for sharing. Now I know where to go for "emergencies" in Boracay :)
jared's mum said…
that will make traveling to Boracay so much more convenient now!
For someone who codes (and does some design), I love the interface of Shoppee. It looks super easy to shop but maybe I should stay away or it might ruin my budget! Hahaha!
Congrats on your new biz mother!
