blue and white summer trend

I'm sorry if I haven't been updating my blog lately as often as I should. We just started renovating our house and life has been crazy. I can't even find my shoes...

I am not a seasoned "renovator"?! Haha :P This is the first time we've ever undergone a project as big as this and we both didn't know what to expect.

It all started with a simple plan to repaint our home one room at a time...

summer fashion 2015
We thought we could pack the stuff in one room first, have that done and then move on to the next.

Big mistake. The workers kept on inching their way over to us and we had no choice but to box up 75% of our life...and it's only been 4 days since they started!

summer street style 2015
First two days we could still sit in our living room as they worked on our daughter's bedroom and the dirty kitchen. 

Now, I only have about clean sq.m to move around in.

It's a nightmare for a person like me with obsessive compulsive tendencies.

blue and white fashion trend
Right now, my "kitchen" consists of a single cooler with a water dispenser and coffee maker propped up on it. Dishes are down to two mugs and two glasses. We've been eating all of our meals outside and I really miss having home-cooked dishes.

wrap skirt street style
But then, here's the thing, since our place was already in shambles, we decided finish everything in a single blow. A simple paint job has turned into an overhaul of the entire kitchen and then some so good luck to us! ㋛

sarah tirona 2015
Anyway, I'll leave you for now since I have to get up early again tomorrow for another day of construction. Will try to share our progress with you in my next post ㋛.

ABOUT THE LOOK: Since the weather started really heating up, I've switched up my go-to combo of black and white into blue and white instead. Reminds me of my grandma's china but I kinda find the combo quite refreshing. What do you think? 

stradivarius tank | penshoppe skirt | zara pumps

photos by


May De Jesus-Palacpac said…
Wow, renovation! How exciting! Our house is due for that, too. I love freshly painted walls and additional spaces. :)
I love renovation! Can I see before and after photos please?!

tgf said…
I love your outfit's color combination. Your skirt is gorgeous, too! -- Maria Teresa Figuerres
sherry sherry said…
I love the style!
Leilani Sonza said…
I love your style here Sarah! Its a perfect contrast!
Lorly said…
didn't think that renovation shebang is in the background. summery attire at its best.
em said…
Dude making distressed jeans are so hard i don't have twezzers and I can't pull any thread out. Does anyone have a resolution for me? If so, thanks.
em said…
plz plz tell me what to do I need help