babyliss pro miracurl review + tutorial

Good Morning!

Like I've been saying in my previous posts, here's my review of the Babyliss Pro Miracurl or Pro Perfect Curl (which is what they call it in other countries).

Retails for P9995 and you can get it at select Watsons branches and Dept Stores nationwide that carry Babyliss (I only personally know of SM Dept Store). 

Before you get yourself one, make sure to check this POST and find out how to spot a fake since the market is currently saturated with them.

So anyway, back to the review...(which is not sponsored btw...:P)

The MiraCurl comes with a hefty price tag but for me, I think it's totally worth it.

babyliss pro miracurl philippines


  • Extremely easy to use 
  • Long Lasting Curls - curls stay on as long as you don't shower/wet your hair (even without product you get beautiful loose waves when you wake up in the morning, just retouch with some sea salt spray for added texture and you're good to go)
  • Nice sturdy built
  • Hair comes out smooth and shiny
  • No danger of burning yourself
  • Works flawlessly, you  definitely get what you pay for
  • Cuts curling time significantly
  • 100% Idiot-Proof!
  • Long swivel cord
  • Uniform curls

  • Expensive

babyliss pro miracurl tutorial philippines
It comes with 3 separate settings for temperature, direction and type of curl which makes achieving your desired look super easy (ex. loose waves/tight curls, etc.) 


Would I recommend it? Yes, definitely! Especially if you have a difficult time with a traditional curling iron/often pressed for time/love having curly/wavy hair.

babyliss pro miracurl review
And now, without further adieu, my first ever YouTube video tutorial! :P 

(Please be kind because I was pretty nervous but I thought I'd just suck it in and record since it was the best way to show you how this device works.)

Enjoy, and I hope you like! :)
