pizza hut stuffed pan pizza review

Sometimes, commercials do work. 

The moment I saw them break apart the warm crust on YouTube and caught a glimpse of the generous amount of cream cheese stuffed inside the pizza, I was salivating. When Manny Pacquiao bit into it backwards and said "Isa Pa!", I was on the phone dialling 911-11-11.

Pizza Hut's new Stuffed Pan Pizza is all it promises to be.

It's like ordering two pizzas in one and it is notably heavier than the regular pan pizza. A couple of slices were enough to satiate my hunger but not my greed. The combination of the soft, mild cream cheese against the zesty barbecue chicken enveloped in a crunchy crust was just too hard to resist.

The traditional "center" of the pizza and the stuffed portion are two whole different experiences which nicely compliment each other...who would've thought?

I wouldn't really consider the stuffing traditional Italian, it reminded me a bit of Chicken ala King which has always been a big favorite of mine since childhood. All that time, I never imagined that the distinct flavor of pineapple combined with mozzarella and cream cheese would go so well together.

The contrast between these flavors make you bite into it again and again. Before you know it, you've already had 4 slices. (oops!)

Seriously, how can you resist that?

I love how my stuffed pan pizza looked exactly the same as the one in the advertisement. It's decadent, delicious and scrumptious. No cutting corners here, just pure indulgence. 

Mmmm, salivating again just talking about it so I'll stop. 

Get your fix, you know what to dial...911-11-11. Get it hot, Get it fast. Pizza Hut sure knows how to #MakeItGreat.

for updates on promos and new offerings, you can connect socially with Pizza Hut Philippines  on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@PizzaHutPhils)

