persunmall wishlist for 2014 fashion trends

I sold most of my clothes at last month's Bloggers United and I'm back to revamping my wardrobe.

To avoid overspending and make sure that everything I purchase can be easily worked in to the clothes I still have left in my closet, I create collages.

These take only a few minutes to create but make it a lot simpler to visualize different mix and match possibilities.

For this month, I chose to base my picks according to 2014's hottest fashion trends (read more here) which Persunmall happens to have an abundance of.  Shopping under one website has a lot of benefits like additional discounts upon checkout and waived fees on shipping charges which gives you more budget to spend on clothes...that's always a good thing! :)

So anyway, my favorites from Persunmall!

Just click on the corresponding numbers below each set to check them out.

 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6


Hazel said…
i love creating collages too! :) and nice picks!
Kori said…
Great picks honey! Have a wonderful night! Kori xoxo
sarahtirona said…
youre welcome, glad you liked it :)