mens fashion - too much, too little?

When it comes to fashion, I am all about pushing the limit, experimenting and thinking out of the box. However, when it comes to mens footwear, my preferences lean towards the conservative. I prefer shoes that are well structured, semi-traditional and with an air of dignity surrounding it.

Personally, I think Italian men have it all figured out.

A good example of shoes that are still in-trend and fashion forward without being too flashy are these Lacoste shoes from Stand Out Net. They epitomise the perfect marriage between tasteful old money and nouveau sensiblities by keeping their structure and designs more or less traditional but with the addition of unexpected colors and tweaks here and there.

When it comes down to it, I think men should never compromise looking sensible for appearing fashion forward, country club chic always wins. What do you think? 


Sorelle in Style said…
LOVE their stuff! I seriously need that 2 week suitcase..


sorelle in style