What I Wore Today: the 90's

Bad news, I am feeling the onslaught of PMS again. Along with it, indecisiveness. I'm sure you all get the same feeling of bloatedness and not knowing what to wear when the monthly visitor starts lurking in. During this period, everything I put on looks drab to me and I can't seem to put outfits together. I guess I've found my Achilles heel.

Thank god for this maxi dress from Funky Plum Vintage! It's such a no-brainer, all you have to do is put it on. Shoes don't even matter much cause they almost can't be seen :P Saves me a lot of dressing up time.
I love that the dress is also vintage from Paris, I'm guessing circa 90's? What if someone famous wore it?? :P I just love the mystery that goes hand in hand with vintage clothes.

Anyway, I got a text message from my favorite Vinyl shop a few days ago saying that they were on sale. I naturally HAD to go. So off we went to Cubao X, which is also in my top 10 list of places to hang out in, for some serious vinyl hunting.
This is a Hendrix rug hanging in their store which I plan to steal in a day or two...:P
scouring the store for records...you can lounge on the second floor and actually share a drink with the owner while sampling your picks. cool huh?
After a tiring day of searching the entire store for titles I wanted to take home, we decided to reward ourselves with some grub from Bellini's. I was finally able to get my Gnocchi fix! If you ever pass by Bellini's, you have to order it. It's orgasmic and it always leaves you wanting more. Hence the monthly Gnocchi cravings :P I'd make them at home but they're so troublesome to prepare.
Dennis tried their roast chicken for the first time which was ginormous. It was perfectly cooked with meat literally falling off the bone. It has a subtle spicy kick to it which does an awesome job of accentuating the flavor of the rosemary even more.
And when you ask for extra cheese, they give you an entire bowl of freshly grated Parmesan cheese!
And free dessert! I'm not sure what they're called, but they're basically chocolate cupcakes with liquor. It has such a moist center, it almost feels like a souffle in the middle.
And the babies I went home with:
Bowie, Blondi, Cars, JT, Supertramp, Firefall, Baez!!!
I must say this was a successful vinyl shopping trip. The Blondie LP is beyond!!!

How'd you spend you Sunday? :)


Mikimoto Angel said…
I love the dress!! :-) And OMG, the food are mouth watering. Yum! :-)
Oh my Dior! said…
I totally love that dress!

ghoent said…
nagutom akoooo hahaha! beautiful dress! =)
Mxx said…
I like Cubao X too though it has been awhile since my last visit. I love your dress!!!!
I love the way you styled that dress (and the dress itself- vintage really is so fun and mysterious)! The yellow jacket looks great with it, and I love all your accessories! P.S. Hooray for vinyl!
Christine B said…
great 90's inspired outfit! :)

thanks for commenting and visiting my blog :D
Anupriya DG said…
That blue maxi with the yellow blazer??? You score girl! :)
That dress is amazing, love the print & colour. ;)
oomph. said…
what a great vinyl haul! the cars? blondie?? LOVE.

told you guys you'd be seeing that coffee tray all week!

Sabrina said…
A lovely maxi's the perfect outfit for some quick Sunday runs. And it looks like you got a lot accomplished. Love your vinyl collection!

Morgan Jordan said…
Looking cute! and I LOVE Jimi Hendrix.
