What I Wore Today: Birthday Flashback Beer Bong

This is going to be a little photo heavy...

My posts are so delayed because I was only able to get the usb cable of the other camera a few days ago. These shots were actually taken last Saturday night, before and during my best friend's birthday celebration. The theme for the night was "pambahay" (house clothes) because the garden is currently being renovated and we had to celebrate it in the garage...this is what I wore:

"accessorized pambahay!"

Me and my best friend of over two decades...she's sooo tall, I love it! Wish I had a bit of her height! This was taken after a few beers...

It was a fun night with old friends from high school and friends we had during our high school days. We had an awesome time catching up, which is something we rarely get to do anymore because of our busy schedules and families.

And, here comes the bong...
last time I did this was way back in '98 I think! I could be wrong though cause you all know how bad my memory is...now you know part of the reason why...LOL!

And here are some photos after several beers and beer bongs. Notice the difference? hahaha

something must have been really funny but I forget! I think we were doing a mock "F.A.S.H." session drunk. hehe :) don't you love how we colorblock together??!
ferdi salvador
another funny moment I suspect...
rico blanco candid
you know, he doesn't drink. we were only able to force him a handful of times, that night wasn't one of those...but we sure were kinda tiddly!
rico blanco party
It was super fun and I wish I'll have the chance to do it again soon. I missed these guys so much! Yes, if any of you are reading this, it's a shout-out! Let's plan something again soon!

Night folks! Hope you had fun watching me transgress from sober to tipsy! hehe :)
Don't forget about my ongoing giveaways! Just click on the buttons at the right rail for details. They're both ending soon!

ps. new stocks for Jeffrey Campbell are arriving in a week or two!!! yes, a bunch of Lita's are arriving.


Aki No Yuutsu said…
OMG!!! I love your shoes!!
Yen said…
What shoes are those?? They look awesome. Wish I could pull those off but my legs are humongous. :(
Andrea said…
i love the shoes too :D
Aie Corpuz said…
nice shoes babe! I saw that on Kookie B. during the fashion week. =)
mestizay said…
This shoes looks like the new IT shoes!:)
Looks like a really fun time! I love those shoes!
A N A G O N said…
I love the term "accessorized pambahay"!!! :D Hahaha!!! :D
hey guys, my shoes are the julia louie by aldo's :)
Anonymous said…
Your shoes are fantastic... I love them!
Anonymous said…
i was gonna write sweet adoration for your shoes but then it hit me.. please don't tell me its Rico Blanco? maka-cartwheel dahil sa post na 'to! lol! but seriously, i love your shoes!

Perfumed Red Shoes
Melody said…
It looks like a lot of fun! Your shoes are hott!!
D said…
The shoes are AWESOME!!! :)
Issa said…
looks like you had so much fun! love your shoes!
Becky said…
BADASSSS shoes! I love them!!!
GretchTM said…
You look gorgeous! Love your outfit.
Viva la stripes! And those shoes are killer!
A Fine Balance said…
happy belated birthday and what fabulous shoessss!
Anonymous said…
You have the very best shoes of anyone I can think of! xo
Laura SD said…
El calzado es fantástico, precioso!
Besos guapa!
The shoes are looooove!see you tomorrow Ms. Sarah!:*
Mary Ann said…
Okay. I love ur SHOES.
Is that Rico B? OMG! am a super fan! ^^ I don't know which one to oggle, the shoes or him! lols. ^^
OMG Sarah! I was contemplating on those shoes the other day. I was so tempted to get it. It looks great on you! Seeing it on you makes me want it MORE!
Nekiah Torres said…
I need those shoes!! You look like you had a great time. OMG I haven't done a beer bong since 1996!! lol I love your red shorts. Kiah
@mikka: they still have it? go get it na, stop contemplating cause they're sold out everywhere! :)
Aya said…
Looks like you had a great time. Love the shoes!
Joandy said…
the shoes is amazing, looks like you had a lot of fun:))
LyddieGal said…
wow, your wedges are fantastic!! I love them so much!

Chic on the Cheap
Wida said…
Woah! Looks like you had a lot of fun. Doesn't every one have fun after some alcohol? Well, you look stunning! I really love your shoes! I get so jealous of tall friends too!

Missing Amsie Blog
The Cat Hag said…
You looked like you had such a blast!

And your outfit was lovely! You would not want to see my real 'house clothes' haha.

I would probably be mistaken as some homeless person. ;D

The Cat Hag
@yen, they have them in wedge pumps! check out aldo :)
laura said…
those wedges are pretty fab! i love them!
the blog of worldly delights
Mxx said…
Looks like a fab fun evening with friends!
Burning Skies said…
Your shoes are love! And looks like you guys had so much fun! I tried drinking from a beer bong too before and it really gets any party going :D
Unknown said…
doesn't seem to be home clothes for me! haha I lurvee yer shoes! Following you! Please check out my kinda new blog. thanks! :)

DeBi said…
your shoes are to die for!!! so pretty....
hitme said…
Haha great photos :D Love your smile <3 and you've got amazing shooooes :) Nice blog, i'm following ofc :)
check my if you want to: http://hit-myself.blogspot.com
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the comment ^__^ Would you like to follow each other? ;))
sugar sugar said…
love your wedges! <3 <3 <3 i also like the nautical theme of your outfit. ;) looks like you had loads of fun! =)
Looks like you had lots of fun;) Nice to have great & happy friends!!!
and... I love your colorful shoes! you should disclose the secret where did you get them from? ;)
Marusya V
Unknown said…
there are so many thing i love about this blog entry so im just gonna list it down.
1. "accessorized pambahay!"
2. red shorts, ive been searching for one!
3. your shoes!!!

p.s naiingit at naiinis ako sa maroon5 moment mo! haha.
@marusya v: i got them in aldo :)
@liezyl: LOL! you make me laugh! if it makes you feel any better, my shorts aren't really red, more of red orange. hahaha :)
Sweet said…
I am extremely loving the shoes...the wedge, the height...the design...everything is totally beautiful and gush!!!! your beautiful legs!!!!

roberto syrious said…
wow just great shoes
and love red shorts!!
hope you'll follow me and i'll do the same.

Syriously in Fashion
Lee Oliveira said…
Oh my.. your shoes are amazing!!
lee x
LOVE your shoes, doll! Are they the Julian Louie for Aldo collection? The tribal print accessories are so fun for summer!

Looking forward to visiting your blog again :)


amy b.s. said…
those shoes! totally amazing.
Alcohol makes the world a happier place! Hahaha! Great outfit!


Dewliciouz said…
so unique shoes....
hi, we can follow each other and be friend if u mind...
Sick by Trend said…
Love those shoes!! so tribal and limited collection!! :D


Fashion Mom said…
what a lovely outfit and so funny pictures! like his yellow pants x
Harija said…
Cute outfit and really love the shorts =)
MF said…
you look great. i love the colors!

i just came across your blog! i think its great. please come visit my blog and maybe we can follow eachother!


Sam said…
Ok, you are seriously making me want to get those shoes! Aldo right? i've been contemplating on them. haha!

and i love how you called your outfit! haha! i always do that!

Kimberly said…
great outfit love the shoes they're amazing!

Megan Hattie said…
holy shit those shoes are wiiiild, I'm amazed! Thanks for stoppin' by my blog :)

--Megan//The Martian Tide
Winnie said…
Love your red shorts and even better against your friend's yellow trousers! Love the contrast!
Caro P. said…
Those shoes are to die for! i love the photo with the yellow pants guy... u two totally color-blocked that pic! hehehe
U seem to be quite a fun girl! hahaha looks like u had an amazing time. I miss so badly my high school days with my pals, definitelly one of the most beautiful moments of my life!
Unknown said…
Your outfit is really cute! I love red, white and black together :)
stylenuggets said…
Have to say your outfit and shoes are the best. Thanks for stopping by.
00000 said…
Your shoes are too die for! Inggit! :D

Lee [spunkandglam.blogspot.com]
Chyrel Gomez said…
waaaaaaah! rico blanco and the red shorts!!