What I Wore Today: Light My Fire

SM hat, topshop tank, necklaces by h&m from C, robe from ilaya, american eagle shorts, golddot brandy boots
Good Morning Ladies! Today, I would like to talk about "personal shopping bans". They don't work PERIOD. I tried putting myself on a ban about a month ago because I noticed that I've been buying too many pairs of shoes. I know there's no such thing as "too many" when it comes to shoes but the way it affected my bank account was short of staggering! haha (i'm exagerrating a little. I have a very small bank account and any blow to it, no matter how small, is staggering.). It came to a point when I had more shoes than clothes that I could match it with. That's not when the alarm set off. It set off a few weeks after I started compensating my over supply of shoes with clothes to match them with. At the same time, my credit card bill arrived, my cellphone bill arrived, and all sorts of other bills arrived. That's when I said, "uh-oh".

So, I declared a personal shopping ban on myself. Right when this ban was implemented, I felt immediately like a heroin addict with my daily supply taken away from me. The moment something interesting came my way, I HAD to have it. And funny enough, right when my ban started, everything seemed to either go on sale or have a fresh supply of new and lovely clothes and footwear on display. I ended up buying more things than when I wasn't on "the ban". It's like how a chronic dieter must feel when presented with a box of premium Belgian chocolates. You'd normally have just a piece or two on a regular day but since you've been so good for three days, you compensate and eat the whole box. Ending up you eat/spend more than you would normally do due to over compensation for our good behavior. Sometimes, I think we love ourselves just a little too much! haha!

Right now, I feel sort of trapped. I'm just wishing myself luck and a bigger income because I don't know what to do. Maybe I should move to a deserted island for a month just to stay away from all the retail. it doesn't help that I live a block away from a "super awesome" shopping center. I need all the restraint I can muster! Tell me, do personal shopping bans work for you?

Have you joined my giveaway yet? If not, click on this link:


Hazel said…
oh my whatta dilemma :O try NOT brining your credit card when you go to the mall or something :)
Mary Ann said…
That's what I do too! I leave my cards at home hehe. and just bring cash.para may Limit.
BTW,congrats! You won at Denise' giveaway girl! I won over at Sally's naman, yey! ^^
ninasayshello said…
I love your shoes! anyway in reply to your comment, I got my lizard ring here in Cebu but you can get it in zoo.com.ph following you btw! have a great day!
Chyrel Gomez said…
i love this post and your cape. i don't have any shopping bans but i usually stay away from the malls if i don't have any money. i hate living paycheck by paycheck and money on the bank must stay on the bank. :)
hi ann! really? wow, so exciting! it's my first time to win anything! just waiting for the email to come in! yahoo! =)
galing ng self control mo chyrel, wish i was a little more like you!
Chyrel Gomez said…
haha! but i splurge and act like a free caged bird if i get to visit the mall. hay naku!
lala said…
love your outfit! <3
it matches you perfectly :)
oomph. said…
just stay away from the mall! don't bring money, dont bring credit cards, lol! love your robe!

Josie said…
You look SO cute! Love your hat. Good luck with your shopping ban, doll!
xo Josie
easier said than done folks, i live across a mall! hahahaha! and when i'm home, there's ebay....tsk tsk, trying real hard though =)
omg this situation is the biggest dilemma! just remember that you have many fab shoes! =)
Anonymous said…
Yayy!! 160 followers!! - C
hahaha, this post is exactly how I feel! I tried to not shop, I tried giving myself a set budget but nothing works. I give up...really I do. I can't help it, I was born this way. So instead, I will make sure I save the same amount of money I spend on clothes, so that should ease my guilt :) Thanks for commenting on my blog! Follow each other?

Unknown said…
Hi, thank you for the comment. Hope you had a nice Valentines day too.

Love this outfit, the robe is so nice!

Anupriya DG said…
Join the club lady! I WORK in a mall........& trust me, this job's proving to be way too expensive!!! I spend 50% of my salary at the place I work (discounts included).......& all attempts at stopping till date have all been in vain! Sigh!
Sara Louise said…
Oh man- no, my bans NEVER work! I completely agree, the second I ban something- it becomes ever so attractive! prime example: this week when my husband and I went thrifting *just for him*. ha! Of course I walked out of there with something for myself!
Anonymous said…
love the boots!
That robe is amazing! I love that you put up photos of what your wear everyday! Such a cute idea for a blog! You can check out my blog, too, at www.haute-lunch.com. Keep up the good work!
I love how you styled your brandy booties! I have one as well, but I really don't know how to style them much :) thanks for the great photos!
@tjalaine: thank you! will check out your blog =)

@ava t.: you're welcome =) i find that they go with almost anything, just try =)