New Born Baby Blog

(this is exactly the outfit I mentioned in an earlier blog that I wished I had taken a photo of. I am in love with those shoes)
Remember Lana? I mentioned her a couple times on my blog already. She's a good friend of mine and also has incredible personal style. Lana just joined the "blogosphere" a few days ago with her new born baby blog called "hautepot" on tumblr.

If there was one closet in the world I could raid, it would be hers. Our styles are very similar and we're almost the same size so alterations wouldn't be a problem ;)hint, hint. Lana is also a big shot (hehe) executive in one of our country's biggest corporations so her closet is generously drizzled with name brands. When we're out together, there is always something of hers that I want, and I think the envy factor is vice versa since we seem to have almost the same styles of shoes in our possession without talking about it.

I'd write a lengthier post about her but I'd rather you visit her blog and discover more about Lana by yourself. Let's share the love, visit her blog here:


Mary Ann said…
I love her shoes!!! ^^ Checking her site now, ^^
thanks for checking out her blog =)
baby names said…
hey its an interesting blog...
thanks for sharing...
Michelle said…
I absolutely love your style!! :) Great outfits! :)
Chyrel Gomez said…
my sister would envy her hair and i love her shoes. :)
Lana said…
Hi sarah! Thanks for endorsing my blog :) Will feature you soon. I'll try to get a following first so your get the endorsement that you deserve.
Hey lans, no problem, I had fun doing it, always liked your style anyway =)