Human Heart Nature's Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner

I have been using the "Mositurizing Aloe Mandarin Line" shampoo and conditioner for quite some time now and I just have to share with you all that the difference in my hair is nothing short of awesome! I used to have really dry and coarse hair from all the abuse I used to give it. Too much sun exposure and dyeing...I tried a lot of moisturizing shampoos and conditioners as well as "at home hot oil treatments". These worked as long as you use them everyday. If you fail to use the conditioner or hot oil treatment for a day, your hair would immediately go back to being dry, dull and coarse. But this is definitely not the case with Human Heart Nature's shampoo and conditioner. I swear that after just a couple of washes, your hair will immediately turn softer and silkier. Even during warm days or days when I'm totally rushing and don't have the time to use the conditioner, my hair is still soft! Even after coming from the beach, my hair is still the same. soft and silky! Even my daughter's hair is so much softer now and she doesn't even use the conditioner. All she uses is the Kids Nature Shampoo and Body Wash in Watermelon.

I am certain that chemicals put into drugstore brand hair and body care products are just put their to cut down on cost and keep you hooked just like bad heroin does to an addict.

If you're not into organic products yet, you are missing out on A LOT!

for orders: please text 09175250917
